
Future-Proofing Trade School Admissions for a Digital World

Future-Proofing Trade School Admissions for a Digital World

People assume applying for tuition help is complex because of the length of the process and the ambiguity of the outcome, and students are no different. When a business creates a thoughtful application experience for its viewers, it often results in a win-win situation, where the consumer is pleased with their knowledge and the business has received a loyal client. This is seen throughout many industries including automotive, real estate, and now, education.

If you want to capture the attention of your students, you need to meet them where they are. The world is becoming digital and, despite trade schools being traditionally hands-on, schools need an online application process to make a frictionless experience. These are some ways to make your institution’s application process as future-proof as the education you provide:


Ensure your enrollment requirements are clearly highlighted with written action items. The first step would be to create a specific section within your website that is highly visible and easy to find. This section can host course requirements such as fees, education, test, or interview process, with a general FAQ portion. It allows students who prefer self-service methods to answer their own questions.


This step is designed for the education space: having a dedicated admissions counselor to guide students and answer any pending questions can guide students through enrollment. The designated counselor could be in charge of any chat features, emails, or calls that come into your school. Having one point of reference can also create a bond for the student with your institution.


Having an online application process is necessary to meet students where they are at. This step has more of a technical lift than the other tips, but some businesses specialize in education technology that can be integrated into your system. Mia Share has recently launched Embedded Payments, allowing the application process to be integrated directly into your website. Students can take curiosity to enrollment, without leaving your website.


Knowing what points in your process a student drops off at can be helpful data for making changes in your application. Connect integrations with software like HotJar or Lucky Orange to see recordings of website interactions to gain insights on student behaviors and direct feedback data. Or add UTM tracking to your marketing campaigns to gauge where interested prospects are funneling in from. For example, if a student drops off on a contact page, they may not have liked the options that were provided. This data creates informed decisions and a better experience for your prospects. Here's a great article by industry-leader, Neilsen Norman Group, on benchmarking user experience.

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This one goes without saying, but providing students with options is key. The biggest hurdle in an application process is usually a financial one. Whether the cost is too high or their credit is too low, finances can be a detriment to the process. If you are already offering payment options, make sure it is well broadcasted. Students should know this as soon as they land on your page. Consider placing it in the navigational menu, if you haven’t done so already. If you don’t offer payment options, there are businesses that handle the tuition payment process for you. The 27% conversion rate when offering payment options is worth the extra final step.

Once properly implemented, these steps can generate traction for your enrollment rates. There are tons of way you can continue optimizing your enrollment process to make it as frictionless as possible, but you can always start with clear next steps, admission reps, clean application submission, and mapping software. And if you’re looking to offer payment options at your institution, consider Mia Share as a potential partner.

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